The Cedar Rapids AACA membership is made up of compassionate, caring people, who are interested in their community. For over 25 years, the Club has an annual auction with the money donated to local charities and organizations. For example, Milestones has been the recipient of defibrillators, sewing and craft items, and a portable greenhouse. The Cancer Society received a monetary donation, and YWCA received needed items for their women and children in their care. Juvenile Diabetes, Freedom Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis, and Aiming for a Cure were also recipients of donations from the Club.
At Christmas the Club purchased new toys and clothes off wish lists for the children at a Tanager cottage. Several local citizens have been given the opportunity to participate in the Honor Flights, partially because of the Club’s generous donations of $3,600 between 2012-2018.
Our club members love their old cars, but we also care deeply about the younger generation of car enthusiasts. Hence the establishment of an annual special scholarship to be awarded to qualified applicants.
The Cedar Rapids Region approved the award of three $1600.00 scholarships on an annual basis to students enrolled at the Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids Iowa. The selection is based on academic merit for individuals pursuing either the automotive technology or auto body repair program of studies (credited classes) at the community college. The scholarships are awarded based on academic grade point average in high school and the national test scores such as the ACT or SAT.
Students must apply directly to Kirkwood and the Kirkwood Foundation staff review the applications and select the recipients based on the established criteria.
Three winners each year also receive a national membership in AACA and local regional club.